Dear Mitch,
Any more Easter math questions?
We would really appreciate it!
"The Big Island", Hawaii
Dear B.B.,
1) If there are 4 chocolate Easter bunnies to be shared equally among 3 children, how many chocolate Easter bunnies will each child receive?
2) If there are 3 chocolate Easter bunnies to be shared equally among 4 children, how many chocolate Easter bunnies will each child receive?
3) If there are 8 chocolate Easter bunnies to be shared equally among 10 children, how many will each child receive?
4) How many chocolate Easter bunnies will each child receive if there are 2 chocolate Easter bunnies to be shared fairly among 3 children?
5) If there are 2 chocolate Easter bunnies to be shared equally among 2 children, how many will each child receive?
6) If there are 2 chocolate Easter bunnies to be shared equally among 4 children, how many will each child receive?
7) If all the questions above referred to the same sized Easter bunny, and that size is called "medium", and there is another sized chocolate Easter bunny called "large", and a "large" weighs the same amount as 2 medium-sized chocolate Easter bunnies, how many large chocolate Easter bunnies will it take to make an even balance on a balance scale if the other side has 6 medium chocolate Easter bunnies?
8) How many mediums would it take to make a balance scale balance if the other side is holding 4 large chocolate Easter bunnies?
9) How many mediums would it take to make a balance scale balance if the other side is holding 11 medium Easter bunnies (you can break giant ones in half)?
10) How many medium Easter bunnies would it take to balance the other side of a scale that has 6 medium and 5 large?
11) How many medium chocolate Easter bunnies would it take to make the scale balance if the other side is holding 1 1/2 large chocolate Easter bunnies?
12) How many large chocolate Easter bunnies would it take to balance 2 1/2 medium chocolate Easter bunnies (you can break a half of a large chocolate Easter bunny in half)?
If there is a third size chocolate Easter bunny called "mini", which weighs half the amount that a medium-sized chocolate Easter bunny weighs, and all the different sized chocolate Easter bunnies are made in the exact same proportions, and the head of each weighs 1/4 the amount of the entire chocolate bunny, how many heads of the large would it take to balance 16 completely unbroken chocolate Easter bunnies if all of these 16 Easter bunnies are "minis"?
Hope this helps.
Happy Holiday,